Category: architecture designs
My recently published journal article about geometry and its role in shading systems. Gosztonyi, Susanne. The Role of Geometry for Adaptability: Comparison of Shading Systems and Biological Role…
The special session about “Adaptive building envelopes” has been held on 17th May 2017 at the ICBEST 2017 – Interdisciplinary perspectives for future building envelopes in Istanbul, Turkey. The session…
Lars Kraakman worked on a complex topic, analyzing folding facade structures and their potential for energy performance optimization if applied on schools in Netherlands. he used Rhinoceros/Grasshopper to…
Final designs and prototypes of spring term 2016 / Architecture, Lund University After a long period of silence on this blog, it’s time to update it with the outcomes of the course…
Presentation of “architectural criteria for adapative facades” @ facade 2015 COMPUTATIONAL OPTIMIZATION in Detmold, Germany. What is the role of adaptive facades? The conference facade2015 dealt with the topic…
Organisation and moderation of 2 sessions “INNOVATIVE PRODUKTE I: MATERIALIEN FÜR FASSADEN. Showcase und Vorstellung technischer Visionen im Bereich intelligenter Fassaden.” @ Energie und Architektur, Vienna, Austria. The 4th congress “Energie und…
WORKSHOP ADAPTIVE FACADES – TU DELFT [FACADE WEEK] “The EFNmobile – “ThinkingSkins” workshop started on Monday, June 15th at the TU Delft. After an introduction by Susanne Gosztonyi about the…