Category: architecture designs

Journal Article: The Role of Geometry for Adaptability: Comparison of Shading Systems and Biological Role Models

My recently published journal article about geometry and its role in shading systems. Gosztonyi, Susanne. The Role of Geometry for Adaptability: Comparison of Shading Systems and Biological Role…

Special session “Adaptive building envelopes”, 17/05/2017

The special session about “Adaptive building envelopes” has been held on 17th May 2017 at the ICBEST 2017 – Interdisciplinary perspectives for future building envelopes in Istanbul, Turkey. The session…

Supervision of MSc thesis about effects of facade surface geometry on energy performance in dutch schools

Lars Kraakman worked on a complex topic, analyzing folding facade structures and their  potential for energy performance optimization if applied on schools in Netherlands.  he used Rhinoceros/Grasshopper to…

Exhibition of course Spatial Experiments 2 at Lund University

Final designs and prototypes of spring term 2016 / Architecture, Lund University After a long period of silence on this blog, it’s time to update it with the outcomes of the course…

What are adaptive facades? – facade2015, 27|11|15, Germany

Presentation of “architectural criteria for adapative facades” @ facade 2015 COMPUTATIONAL OPTIMIZATION in Detmold, Germany. What is the role of adaptive facades? The conference facade2015 dealt with the topic…

Showcase research for facades – Fachkongress Energie und Architektur, 15|10|2015, Austria

Organisation and moderation of 2 sessions “INNOVATIVE PRODUKTE I: MATERIALIEN FÜR FASSADEN. Showcase und Vorstellung technischer Visionen im Bereich intelligenter Fassaden.” @ Energie und Architektur, Vienna, Austria. The 4th congress “Energie und…

efn mobile Workshop, Delft, 15 – 17 June 2015: ThinkingSkins

WORKSHOP ADAPTIVE FACADES – TU DELFT [FACADE WEEK] “The EFNmobile – “ThinkingSkins” workshop started on Monday, June 15th at the TU Delft. After an introduction by Susanne Gosztonyi about the…