Category: Biomimetics

Physiomimetic Façade Design

Nature can teach us all kinds of things about how to deal with the elements, but little is applied to the design of modern façades. What, for example,…

Journal Article: The Role of Geometry for Adaptability: Comparison of Shading Systems and Biological Role Models

My recently published journal article about geometry and its role in shading systems. Gosztonyi, Susanne. The Role of Geometry for Adaptability: Comparison of Shading Systems and Biological Role…

Exhibition of course Spatial Experiments 2 at Lund University

Final designs and prototypes of spring term 2016 / Architecture, Lund University After a long period of silence on this blog, it’s time to update it with the outcomes of the course…

Biomimetics in Architectural Design – student course

New settings for the student course “Spatial Experiments 2” at Lund University, Architecture and Built Environment David Andreen and Susanne Gosztonyi, both researchers and teachers at Lund University…

Thermal adaptation for facades – Advanced Building Skins, 3-4|11|15, Switzerland

Presentation on: “Biomimetic principles for thermally adaptive façades: thermal adaptability in nature and engineering” @ 10th Conference on Advanced Building Skins, Bern, Switzerland. How can nature teach thermal adaptation for…

efn mobile Workshop, Delft, 15 – 17 June 2015: ThinkingSkins

WORKSHOP ADAPTIVE FACADES – TU DELFT [FACADE WEEK] “The EFNmobile – “ThinkingSkins” workshop started on Monday, June 15th at the TU Delft. After an introduction by Susanne Gosztonyi about the…

Course finals of Biomimetics and Energy course 2014/2015, Technikum Vienna, Austria

Yesterday, 9th of January, was the final presentation of the Master course “Biomimetics and Energy” at the UAS Technikum Vienna. And it was a very pleasant and successful event. All…

BioSkin goes Art – “The committee of sleep”, art installation, MAK, Vienna, Austria

“THE COMMITTEE OF SLEEP” – Exhibition | MAK FURNITURE STUDY COLLECTION, 2012–2013 The ‘Committee of Sleep‘ was an art installation created by the designer duo taliaYsebastian. They made use of the…

Biomimetics @ Sonnenwelten – BionikSpiel – Grossschönau, Austria

ZUKUNFT mit SONNE – BIONIK SPIEL – Exhibition | SONNENWELTEN, GROSSSCHÖNAU, 2012-NOW The exhibition SONNENWELT in Grossschönau allows a time travel from energy efficient nomad tents from about 10,000 years…

BioSkin – biomimetics for facades

BioSkin – Forschungspotenziale für bionisch inspirierte energieeffiziente Fassadentechnologien The basic research study “BioSkin – Research potentials for biologically inspired energy efficient façade systems” aimed at the identification of…