
paper-folded origami objects that react on visitor movements with OLED technology. Biomimetic role model is applied as an inspiration (c) taliaYsebastian 2012-2013


The ‘Committee of Sleep‘ was an art installation created by the designer duo taliaYsebastian. They made use of the principle of ‘light energy scavenging,’ which means the capturing of surplus daylight energy from living organisms.

taliaYsebastian borrowed the basic idea from our research project BioSkin in which we investigated light harvesting and redirecting principle in nature to find transferable ideas for facade applications. One of these investigated principles — the Sea Orange, is a luminous sponge that interacts with algae.

The Sea Orange’s remarkable light transmission system harvests and transports light deep into its tissue through silica fibres, enabling a mutual symbiotic relationship with photosynthetic microalgae in the sponge’s body.

tethya creative card

BioSkin Creative Card: Overview of an identified principle of the Sea orange ‘Tethy aurantium’ with functional sketches and key descriptions (c) S. Gosztonyi, S. Richter, AIT 2012

The art installation is consisting of responsive lighting objects, which are paper-folded objects based on complex origami geometry and equipped with organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs).The objects detect the movements of visitors in the exhibition room and transmit the information to the responsive light diodes. The initial idea was to use glass fibres as light transport mechanism. This would have allowed direct daylight into the dark exhibition area and lead directly to the lighting objects. Due to safety reasons it was not allowed to realized this idea. The lighting objects thus are using OLED and react on the frequency of visitors in the exhibition to provide a hint for the intended responsiveness.

More information about the exhibition can be found here.