The congress architectureworld 2017 in Duisburg, Germany, is known as a branch meeting for experts in façades, technology and sustainable buildings. It is linked to the trade fair facades and technologies. I am invited to present my research on adaptive performative facades and the potential of biomimetics for this field.
“The design of adaptive facades is usually based on various functional objectives and an range of available technologies and materials for their realization. Form, function and processes are rarely taken over by one component or material. Thus, components and materials are assembled into a multifunctional, controllable system to achieve the various tasks. This approach makes adaptive façade systems highly complex, error-prone and maintenance-intensive.
In biological systems, form, function and processes are embedded in few or even only one material, realized by “smart” constructions. Functionality and responsiveness are intrinsic in these material-system. This approach can be of particular use for architecture: state-of-the-art digital design tools and manufacturing techniques can be employed to transfer potential models from biomimetic research into integrative, customized design solutions. Current research results present some potentials of the biomimetic approach for a new architectural design of adaptive facades.”
Citation Susanne Gosztonyi
Link: architectureworld 2017