A whole series of the COST Action “Adaptive Facades Network” is available for free download on the website: COST TU1403 Adaptive Facades Network – Dissemination.
The COST publications cover various volumes, such as booklets presenting results of the COST TU1403 work groups, the proceedings of the COST TU1403-related conferences, a special edition of the International Journal Facade Design and Engineering with scientific papers by COST TU1403 members, training school booklets on adaptive facades, and many more presentations and publications. Check it out as many very interesting information about the lates status of adaptive facades are provided.

I had the pleasure to be member of this COST Action and also to contribute to some publications, including the Case Studies Booklet and co-editing the Proceedings of the international conference “Facade2018 – Adaptive!”, which was held in Lucerne, Switzerland on 26-27th November and was organized by our team. We had inspiring and informative keynotes, session lectures and discussions – all around the adaptive facade.

 More information: COST TU 1403 - Adaptive Facade Network